الصفحة الرئيسية السوق العقارى المصرى سوق السيارات المستعملة و الجديدة سوق المعدات الثقيلة واوناش الرفع و معدات البناء اسواق منتجات اسواق خدمات وظائف خالية إرسل سيرتك الذاتية اتصل بنا
مطبخ المصرية - أشهى المأكولات

مكتب الصفا للاستيراد والتصدير - ALSAFA Co. Import & Export

ALSAFA Co. one of the leading companies in the field of importing and exporting, fragrance oils and accessories. It's a newly arab origin , but in spite of that, they have a very strong base of customers may be described as the pillars of some aromatic oils in Egypt and other Arab homeland, and has More
Import & Export
ALSAFA Co. Pioneer in the field of import and export between China and Egypt and the Arab world, and we look forward to the establishment of further trade cooperation with various Arab countries, we are also ready to help Arab companies to invest in China, and this company have a huge base of fideli More

High management of the company have a strategic vision is the need to export expansion, the selection of the target group or segment of the production market and the proposed coverage in Egypt and the rest of the Arab, African and global reach of companies and factories, the strategy also aims to q :

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