كيف تشارك فى مساعدة المحتاج
يمكن للأفراد أ يشاركونا في مساعدة المحتاج عن طريق التبرعات النقدية من خلال برامج البنك المختلفة و العينية كأغذية جافة ومعلبات ومحفوظة و صلاحيتها مستمرة. يمكن للأفراد المشاركة بالمجهود والتطوع فى أنشطة البنك الملائمة لجميع الفئات والأعمار.
شركات ومؤسسات
الشركات والمؤسسات لديها فرصة اكبر في مشاركة بنك الطعام المصري لأنها لديها نصف الوسائل المتاحة للأفراد بالإضافة إلى مشاركة البنك فى الحملات الدعائية عن طريق الرعاية كي ينتشر فكر البنك. ويوجد أيضا صناديق التبرع الخاصة بالبنك ومن الممكن أن تضعه الشركات والمؤسسات في أفروعها المختلفة ويزيد على ذلك توزيع الفلايرز الخاصة بالبرامج أو الحملات. كما من الممكن لموظفين أن يتطوعوا أو يتبرعوا.
جامعات ومدارس
أول ما يمكن المساعده به هو التطوع من طلاب المدارس والجمعات كى ينمو بداخلهم العمل الخيري بالاضافة إلى المساعدات المادية مع وجود صناديق التبرع إذا أمكن.
منظمات أهلية أخرى
تشارك المنظمات الأهلية مع بنك الطعام فى تاهيل الأفراد القادرين على العمل ولكن لاتتوافر لديهم الفرص.
للتبرع أو المشاركة:
حساب رقم 888777 خط أرضى 09009600
محمول رقم 2080 انترنت مجانى 07779099
عن طريق الموقع الالكترونى
للاستفسار 16060
هل تود مساعدة المحتاج الحقيقي مع بنك الطعام المصري؟
How to participate in helping the real needy
Individuals are welcome to join us in helping the deprived through donations with the bank’s several programs, or through dry and canned foods with a running validity date. Individuals are also welcome to contribute with their effort and join the many programs available at the bank that fit all ages.
Companies and Enterprises
Companies and enterprises have a better chance in collaborating with the Egyptian Food Bank as they have half the means that are available for individuals in addition to the partnerships of the bank in publicity campaigns sponsored by them to disseminate the bank’s idea.
There are also the bank’s donation boxes that can be put in their different branches, in addition to the distribution of program flyers and campaigns. Finally, the employees themselves are able to join in and volunteer or make donations.
Schools and Universities
The first thing that can be done is the volunteering of the students themselves of the schools and universities in order to develop within them charity work in addition to donations in the presence of donation boxes if possible.
Other Non-Governmental Organizations
The Egyptian Food Bank and NGOs work together in finding opportunities for individuals who are able to work and are interested in finding jobs.
For Donations or Participation:
Account Number: 888777
Landline: 09009600
Mobile Phone: 2080
Free Internet: 07779099
For Information: 16060
Do you want to help the truly deprived with the Egyptian Food Bank?
Individuals are welcome to join us in helping the deprived through donations with the bank’s several programs, or through dry and canned foods with a running validity date. Individuals are also welcome to contribute with their effort and join the many programs available at the bank that fit all ages.
Companies and Enterprises
Companies and enterprises have a better chance in collaborating with the Egyptian Food Bank as they have half the means that are available for individuals in addition to the partnerships of the bank in publicity campaigns sponsored by them to disseminate the bank’s idea.
There are also the bank’s donation boxes that can be put in their different branches, in addition to the distribution of program flyers and campaigns. Finally, the employees themselves are able to join in and volunteer or make donations.
Schools and Universities
The first thing that can be done is the volunteering of the students themselves of the schools and universities in order to develop within them charity work in addition to donations in the presence of donation boxes if possible.
Other Non-Governmental Organizations
The Egyptian Food Bank and NGOs work together in finding opportunities for individuals who are able to work and are interested in finding jobs.
For Donations or Participation:
Account Number: 888777
Landline: 09009600
Mobile Phone: 2080
Free Internet: 07779099
For Information: 16060
Do you want to help the truly deprived with the Egyptian Food Bank?