الصفحة الرئيسية السوق العقارى المصرى سوق السيارات المستعملة و الجديدة سوق المعدات الثقيلة واوناش الرفع و معدات البناء اسواق منتجات اسواق خدمات وظائف خالية إرسل سيرتك الذاتية اتصل بنا
مطبخ المصرية - أشهى المأكولات

seedlings montessori certificate

With dr. denial Jutras , director of the Canadian Montessori teacher education institution

Over the oats 20 years, Dr. Daniel jutras has prepared over 1400 Montessori teachers from all over the world, including Canada, the USA, England, Nigeria Sri Lanka Poland and Singapore. Dr.   Jutras has PhD. in education from Ottowa University an AMI diploma from Perugia, Italy and st.nicholas Montessori advanced diploma (6-12) from England. His instructor and mentors was the late Antoinette paolini who worked with Dr. Marie Montessori for 22 years

Don’t miss the assistant teacher workshop with Dr Jutras this summer!
80 hours of instruction covering Montessori theory and practice in a complete Montessori classroom

June 24th July 7th 2011 at seedlings Montessori nursery

Seedlings Montessori nursery is affiliated with Montessori center international a leading provider of Montessori education our lead teacher are internationally certified. And all teachers receive appropriate training in child education